Technology is the key to the future. This is something I have realized for some time now. Prior to pursuing my Master’s degree in technology integration I felt comfortable in my level of technological knowledge. Now I see that I was merely scraping the ice burg developing underneath us. As an educator it is important that I educate myself in order to ensure that my students are getting the best education possible while in my classroom. Once I saw how much information and various tools were available, I have pity on my previous classes.
Even though my skills and knowledge have multiplied over the past year, there are still areas I need to work on. In looking at the ISTE standards for teachers, I have chosen two to work on now to help enhance my instruction of technology to give my students a better chance of success in their future.
#1 ISTE NETS-T Standard 2: Indicator b: Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.
G - Goal:
Currently I feel I need to keep my third graders close on task. I am afraid that if I allow them too much freedom to explore their curiosities then they will get off task and they will not learn the required content before the state test. I am afraid I will be spending too much instructional time redirecting.
A - Action:
* Letting go of the classroom; Plan lessons around content specific indicators and then allow students to explore feely the information available.
* Numerous resources; research reliable resources that are content based and have the list available for students. Our district recently adopted several new resources sites which can be used to generate resources lists for students.
M - Monitor: In order to ensure students are getting what they need to meet state standards I will:
* Consistently monitor students while on task using checklists. Students will have a checklist to help guide them as they explore independently.
* Administer weekly assessments to ensure they understand content standards.
E - Evaluate and Extend
* Administer weekly assessments to ensure they understand content standards.
* Work with colleagues to evaluate success and locate resources and procedures to build the students confidence as well as my own.
#2 ISTE NETS-T: Standard 3: Indicator a: Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.
G - Goal:
I am acquainted with numerous new technologies which I integrate into my instruction when possible. I believe I need to become familiar with these systems in order to effectively implement them in the classroom.
A - Action:
* Practice and learn how to manipulate new programs to understand how they can be used in content instruction.
* Research programs, such as and Smart Exchange, to locate technology integrated lessons that can be used “as is” or modified to fit instruction.
* Collaborate with our media specialist and district technology specialist to help extend knowledge of new programs and how to implement them in the classroom.
M - Monitor:
* Journal experiences with various programs. Take notes about new information learned and brainstorm ways to integrate with lessons.
* Implement programs with small group of students to see what they know and what they can teach me!
* Make notes directly on lesson plans to remember the experience and what was successful and what did not work (Laureate Education Inc., 2009).
E - Evaluate and Extend:
* Implement lessons and observe student motivation and engagement.
* Survey students after lessons with specific programs to evaluate student views about them.
* Once familiar with programs, implement in classroom instruction and evaluate student success in understanding content.
As an educator it is important to develop self-directed learning skills. As our society becomes more and more dependent on technology, it is imperative that we, educators, prepare our students to be successful adults. Technology integration helps lessons become engaging for the student helping to motivate and stimulate the learning process (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009).
Developing goals for ourselves requires us to reflect on our practice and observe areas that need improvement. Then we must develop goals that will help in this area and identify what we must do in order to achieve success. Teachers that consistently improve their personal knowledge and level of productivity will produce students willing to work to expand their knowledge as well. This is a twenty-first century skill necessary for success in today’s world.
Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Engage Learning.
Laureate Education Inc., (Executive Producer). (2009).Promoting Self-Directed Learning. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore, MD: Dr. Katherine Cennamo.